Compete against everyday chaos to show up for yourself!

Arrive at your mat and attend as many Clean Yoga® classes as you can throughout the month of January.

Receive rewards & recognition:

Set an intention and challenge yourself to show up for yourself.

Anonymously share that intention. Only you will know it’s you. We plan to do something cool with our intentions!

Reintroduction Pack | 3 for $29

Allow us to reintroduce ourselves: Grab 3 Clean Yoga® passes for just $29 in our Reintroduction Special.

Sample our Clean Yoga® classes brought to life by our talented instructor team, and see what suits you best!

Good for 36 days from first use. Buy now, start when you're ready.

Receive discounts on follow-up packs.

Build with us and discover what works for you!

Note about Service Fees: These are additional costs passed through by our payment platform. To avoid future fees, add an ACH to your fitDEGREE profile. Our pricing reflects the direct cost of services without artificial inflation for service fees.


1) Entries based upon Check-Ins. Cancelations + no shows do not count

2) Specially Designed prize includes base package of 60 minute customized private class for up to 26 yogis. Enhancements available at additional cost

3) Prizes are not redeemable for the cash value or able to be exchanged for other items.

4) Promotion Valid for Clean Yoga® classes between 01/02/25 through 01/31/25.